13 Powerful Components

All the components come with their ACF's pre installed in Pagebreak. We've fully optimized each one carefully for SEO, accessibility standards and page speed, furthermore we've included a Figma file you can use to bootstrap your designs too.

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Page Hero

Make your pages stand out with the Page Hero component, which supports a title, description, button link and a video out of the box.

Section Title

Our Page Break component is a perfect starting header for a sub-page or breaking up longer pages into sections.

Image & Text

The Image & Text component (aka as the 50/50) is a staple in most websites. The image & content pairing is visually appealing, easy to read, and allows you to tell a story, all while packing in SEO content.

Sub Navigation

This component acts as a sticky nav bar that can link to anywhere on the site. Typically they are used to link to #c3 which would go to the 3rd component on the page, but you can get creative on how you want to use it.

Call To Action

The Call to Action component is full width and allows for a background image. It's a handy way to insert additional graphics on a page and is a good way to break up content. It supports a title, subtitle, description and button link.

Image Slider

The Image Slider component provides a clean and easy way to show multiple images in a slider form. It is perfect when you have many photos to share, but don't want to clutter your page with too much content.


The universal cards component has so many use cases throughout a website and can be used with or without images and/or links. It supports dark and light modes and is a great way to aggregate content on a page.


This component is the standard accordion style expand & collapse component. It's great for FAQ's, features, or anything else you can come up with!

Review Grid

The Review Grid component allows you to share customer reviews and testimonials, adding trust & authority to your website. In a visual way, you can give your site visitors information on what to expect when they purchase your product/service.

Logo Bar

The Logo Bar is another way to gain credibility on your site by highlighting key customers, partners, donors, or any other companies that work with yours.

Text Section

The Text Section is a classic component used on almost every website. It is used for longer, informational sectionals on your website and supports a title, sub-title, short heading, link and paragraph-style text section.

Video Section

Adding video to your website is a great way to showcase your product/service to potential customers, which is why we have included it in our starting lineup of Components. PS, it's also great for SEO!


This component is simply a rendering point for HTML and other scripts, so you can add your unique style and other features to your website easily.